
80% of bacteria and viruses are transmitted by contact with hands and contaminated surfaces. At room temperature, some bacteria may double their population in just 20 minutes. Thanks to the Anti-Bacterial protection, Archidlam brings you hygienic decorative solutions. A special bacterio static and biocidal additive is used on the decorative layer of the Laminates. Needless to say this biocidal and biostatic additive does not infuence the technical and aesthetic performances of our Laminates. Infection risk is not only restricted to hospital environments. Hygiene is a major concern in all public places such as Hotels, Transport, Educational facilities, Homes, Toilets etc.

Standard Size

  • Thickness (MM)

    1 and Compact

  • Sizes (FT)


  • Other Sizes (MM)

    2800X1300, 3100X 1300

Technical Specs

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