Archidlam Surfaces - Hospitality

As far as the Hospitality Sector is concerned, the ambience of the restaurants and cafes needs to be swanky, contemporary and functional at the same time. Hygiene and cleanliness are also of utmost importance. Archidlam offers Laminates which abide to International Standards of quality, both in terms of beauty and health.

  • Hotels

    For Reception areas, Lounges and Entertainment Areas, Archidlam offers Post Forming Laminates that use special resin and pressing technology that retains the post forming property, ensuring the desired level of bending at 160 degrees.

    This makes the laminate malleable and flexible thereby ensuring corners as seamless as possible.

  • Cafetaria/Restaurants

    Restaurants and Cafes have table tops and seating areas which need to be easy to clean impurities and grease marks.

    Hence Archidlam Anti Finger Print Laminates and Anti Bacterial Laminates are favourable as they are mould resistant and hygeinic.

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